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Health Insurance Quote

Group Health Insurance

Group Health insurance is similar in form to individual health insurance. The primary differences are the conditions under which a person may apply and the requirements for acceptance. Before applying through a group a person must satisfy the waiting periods and employment requirements of the group. However, once an application can be made the conditions for acceptance are usually less strict than with an individual policy. Also, certain protections under the law are available for members of group policies that are not available to owners of individual plans.

There are many companies that underwrite group health insurance. Choosing between them is a complex decision. We can lay out the process and the choices in detail, but to do so really requires a conversation with an experienced agent who knows the market.

To get you a quote on your group all we need is a Census of two or more employees. The census must have the business name, address, phone and fax numbers. Please tell us what the business does such as Auto Body or Manufacture goods. Has anyone had claims over $5000 in the last two years? Who your present Health Provider is now? When do you want it to be effective? Employees name date of birth and dependants they want to cover.

A-1 Striping
111 Love Lane
Anywhere, TX 76710
Phone 333-777-1111
Fax 333-777-2222
No one has had any large claims in the last two years.
We paint the stripes on the roads and parking lots.

Employee Date of Birth Dependant Status
James Youknow 3-26-1959 Wife & 3 Kids
Bill Gill 10-03-1983 Employee only
Linda Best 12-08-1971 3 Children
Johnny Quest 07-04-1964 Wife


When Census is completed fax to our office and we will send it to different Insurance carriers for quotes. Our Fax number is 254-776-3107


Group Health Insurance Companies

We carry everyone!

Here is a list of all the group health providers we can shop for you

We make sure you fully understand the differences of the plans so that you can make the best decision for your company in a quick and efficient manner. We also thoroughly assist you in the enrollment process to conserve your valuable time and follow-up with employee education. If you need additional services, such as cafeteria plan administration or payroll administration, we can assist you in these areas as well and make sure your benefits package works properly with these services.